Alvin Berger

Dr. Alvin Berger is a retired dentist who has previously written one book called Adama: A Mind of Her Own. He began writing at age eighty-one after he wrote a beautiful note to his significant other, Vera Getz. She urged him to continue to write. He lives in Boca Raton, Florida, during the winter and in Kirkland, Washington, during the summer with Vera. He is the father of two children, Randi and Gary, and three grandchildren, Lauren, Max, and Austin. He is an avid golfer who took up the sport late in life. He is a sculptor who has done works in bonded bronze as well as plaster and leucite. He was also active in his profession as a member of the American Dental Association as well as a fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry, the International College of Dentists, and the Pierre Fauchard Academy. He was on the Council on Continuing Education of the Connecticut State Dental Association and served as chairman for fourteen years.

Dr. Richard Ruhling

Richard Ruhling, MD, MPH was board-certified in Internal Medicine and taught Health Science at Loma Linda University. NIH gifted his school $40 million for a study to learn why the community lived about seven years longer than other non-smokers. The study supports the benefits of a vegan or vegetarian diet and many diseases are reversible if we eat wisely.

Ruhling’s wife died from another MD’s prescription for a urinary infection and Ruhling visited US senators with medical literature showing that prescription drugs are a leading cause of illness and death. One senator said, “You are wasting your time—they own us,” speaking of drug company donations to their re-election campaigns.

Ruhling was reared a Seventh-day Adventist, but now sees all denominations as stuck in their own history and closed to new truth from the Bible. His latest book, From Lockdown to knockdown The Fall of America & New World Order. It points to Judgment for US in 2023. It shows how judgment fell on Egypt for killing Israelite babies and how the US has aborted 60 million and enslaved most people in substance abuse and negative lifestyles.

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