I attended Weaver high school in Hartford, CT, and then went to the University of Connecticut. In 1954 I joined the U.S, Army and played in the 32nd Army military band in England. I was an alto saxophone player. We did concerts in many cities as well as television shows. After my release from the service I attended Temple University Dental School and graduated in 1961. I opened my practice in North Haven , CT. I wanted to learn more about all phases of dentistry, so I became a member the Council on Continuing Education. From that tine on I took one course a month until I retired in 2000. In1985 I became Chairman of that Council until I retired. It became the foremost council in the Association. It was also the biggest money maker after I became Chairman. During my years in practice I became a member of the Fellow America College of General Dentistry which required 400 hours of CE. I was also an honorary Fellow in the International College of Dentists, as well as a Fellow in the American College of Dentists. I was President of Probus Club in Hamden, Connecticut. This is an organization that aids people with mental or physical handicaps. Also, in my practice I treated members of a home for the handicapped as well as giving one day a month to the Jewish Home for the Aged.
I was also very active physically outside of my practice. I was runner and participated in 5K runs throughout the year. I was a tennis player and was a member of the Ridge Top Tennis Club and won the Championship in the in the Class B division. I also loved golf but never played much because of time constraints. After I retired I took it up seriously and won the Laurel View Golf Club Championship in the B flight. When I bought a home in Florida in 2001, I joined a golf club there. I won that Championship there twice and was second place winner once. At 90, I’m now an 8 handicap. I never wanted to waste time so I began to sculpt. I have done over eight works so far. Some are in Bonded Bronze and other are in cast Leucite and other in Dental stone. My children have some and others are in Vera’s home in Florida. My wife died in 2010 and Vera Getz’s husband died in 2012. We knew each other since 1998 and became a couple after a few years. We have now been together for 10 years. When we settled in Florida I moved in with Vera. I still have a condo in a country club 4 miles away. I play golf there so I need to keep it. I also began to paint abstracts and landscapes. I’ve shown them all at different shows. I’m offered money for them , but they are not for sale….yet. I wrote a beautiful love note to Vera for our 5th anniversary. She loved it and said I should write a book. Me? Write a book? I thought about it and just sat down one day and began this adventure into writing. It was like a new runner trying to do a marathon without training. So, I wrote “Adama, A Mind of Her Own.” I self-published it using Create Space. I loved writing so I thought about Washington Politics and science. That was how “We Love You, Madam President” was born. I also self -published it, and decided to change the publisher to Blackstone Media. Now, I’m almost finished with my new book, ”Tentacles of Corruption.” I’m still looking to find my next vision to challenge me. What? Not sure yet, but will continue to seek adventures that pique my mind.


We Love You Madam President
The invention of a sentient computer imported from Israel leads to political chaos in America. This computer is more than human-better than human-with its limitless memory storage and human characteristics, which prove to be big trouble for the perverted President of the United States. His mistakes lead to his downfall and that of his entire cabinet. With Washington in chaos, two CIA agents and some members of the Senate try to halt what the deep state conspirators want to accomplish through bribery and deceit. The murder of anyone who gets in their way means nothing to them, mere collateral damage of their nefarious plan. Rising from the tumult is a brilliant woman who breaks through the glass ceiling as she fights to become the first female president with the knowledge of the world at her fingertips. She must rely on her own intuition and the goodness of humanity to shine through the darkness of dirty politics.